Rangely Automotive Museum
The classic cars found inside Rangely’s remarkable new Automotive Museum are impressive to even the most avid of car enthusiasts. Owner, collector and long time Rangely magnate Bud Striegel keeps an average of 35 cars on the show floor, rotating them in and out with others in his collection. Among the many unique specimens is an exquisitely restored Pierce motorcycle, made only for a brief period from 1909-1912. These bikes are considered exceedingly rare with only 12 believed to be left in existence. A 1907 Indian motorcycle is also prominently displayed, with no clutch or brake included in this model, they were considered exceptionally dangerous and often used for racing.
Striegel clearly loves each car and has a story to tell for almost each one, including a McFarlan, once owned by Warner Brothers Studios and used in numerous movies. It is one of several chauffeur-driven cars found in the museum.
He also proudly displays a 1930 Franklin with a long history of being used by several of the world’s wealthiest to tour Europe in the 1930's. Another unique find is one of the first electric cars, circa 1927. Striegel happily quips that it got around 50 miles to a charge, which is “not much less than they do today.”
Striegel began collecting cars at only 12 years of age; he remembers cars costing as little as $2 at the time and often purchased them with the earnings he made from selling pop bottles to a local bar.
For more info on the museum check out their website below:
Click Here: Rangely Automotive Museum Website
The Museum is Open:
Wednesday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (During Summer Months)
The museum asks for a $5 donation to view the collection, however the museum is happy to welcome for free those that can’t afford the cost.
Contact Information:
Phone: (970) 675-8233 or (970) 675-8444 or (970) 675-2941
Address: 128 S. Stanolind Ave., Rangely, Colorado
Online: Facebook