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Wastewater Treatment Plant


Waste water treatment plant pools

One half million gallons per day is processed in our wastewater treatment plant, an aerated lagoon system with filtration and chemical additions and the following specifications:

Influent Structure - Bar Screen, grit chamber, dump station for septic tanks, four influent pumps, exhaust fans, aeration systems, grit auger, solids grinder, associated valves and piping, controls, influent metering system, backup diesel generator, instruments and recording equipment.

Ponds - Four ponds, six circulating pumps, one waste pump, vaults, associated valves and piping, parshal flume effluent metering system.

Plant - Three air blowers for ponds, filter, backwash pump, associated valves and piping, electrical system, controls and instruments, contact chamber, chlorine feed system, shop.

Daily, weekly and monthly quality assurance testing are performed in the in-house laboratory.

Grounds - Irrigation system including pumps, five gun type sprinklers, associated valves and piping, grounds maintenance and mowing approximately five acres.

National Weather Station

(Data is supplied daily by Town Staff)

  • Water Tanks
  • Pump Stations
  • Pressure Reducing Stations
  • Bulk Water Station
  • Raw Water Pumping and Distribution System
  • Wastewater Collection System