Wastewater Treatment Plant
The maximum capacity of the wastewater plant allowed by our permit is 500,000 gallons; however, we typically treat 150,000-170,000 gallons per day. We do not have any kind of filtration at the wastewater plant, and do not treat with any chemicals, although we do occasionally use sewer sweetener to help with odor control and a synergistic blend of bacterial cultures and Biostimulants for sludge reduction. The wastewater treatment plant, an aerated lagoon system, has the following specifications:
Influent Structure - Exhaust fans, associated valves and piping, controls, influent metering system, backup diesel generator, instruments and recording equipment.
A Huber RO5 package plant is utilized that screens the influent wastewater and separates grit and organic solids. We have two influent pumps that bring wastewater from the collection system into headworks, and we have two effluent pumps that take the primary treated wastewater out to the ponds which flow in series.
Ponds - Four ponds, vaults, associated valves and piping, Parshall flume effluent metering system.
Plant - Three associated valves and piping, electrical system, controls and instruments, and shop.
We run three aerators on pond A, two on pond B, and there is an air blower system that pipes air to ponds A, B, and C. Once the wastewater has circulated through all the ponds, it flows into the UV building for disinfection and is not pumped there.
A UV system is utilized to inactive any pathogens in the treated wastewater before it is returned to the White River.
Daily and weekly quality assurance testing is performed.
Grounds - Irrigation system including pumps, five gun type sprinklers, associated valves and piping, grounds maintenance and mowing approximately five acres.
Our weekly labs, E. coli testing and BOD tests for waste and calibration of the analytical equipment are performed by the operators. However, monthly and annual regulatory samples are collected by our operators and then sent to a certified laboratory in Wheat Ridge, Colorado for analysis.