Check out the full article here:

Make Plans to Travel Somewhere Small This Year


Support for Business

Rangely Economic Development

Jeannie Caldwell, Marketing Director for the Town of Rangely, Colorado


The Town of Rangely employs a full-time Marketing/Economic Development Coordinator, Jeannie Caldwell, who is happy to assist you with locating/relocating or expanding your business to Rangely.  Rangely is full of opportunities for growth for any type of business.  Please contact Jeannie Caldwell directly at (970) 675-8476 for information and assistance.  She can also be reached by e-mail at  She is ready and excited to assist you!  Rangely is open for business!



Rangely Area Chamber of Commerce

Emma Baker, Director of the Rangely Chamber, Presenting an Award to Moon Lake Electric

Emma Baker is the Executive Director of the Rangely Area Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber's mission is:

"The Rangely Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to promoting and fostering a positive business climate thereby enhancing the quality of economic life in our community."

Their goals are to: 

"Serve as an effective non-partisan, non- sectarian voice for business, legislative, social, government and community issues affecting the Rangely Area, and the Western Slope of Colorado, while supporting the civic, social and cultural programs.  Candra can be reached by phone at (970) 675-5290 or via e-mail at


Enterprise Zone

Rio Blanco County is designated as part of the Northwestern Colorado Enterprise Zone. This program provides sales tax exemptions and multiple tax credits to new or expanding businesses. Businesses located in an Enterprise Zone may qualify for ten different Enterprise Zone Tax Credits and Incentives to encourage job creation and investment in these zones. Contact our Enterprise Zone administrator for more information on the benetfits of locating your business withing an Enterprise Zone:

Administrator: Tiffany Pehl - Assoc. Govts. Of Northwest Colorado

P.O. Box 100. Parachute 81635

Phone: (970) 285-7630

Fax: (970) 285-0292

Email: Administrator


Rangely Development Agency (RDA) and Rangely Development Corporation (RDC) are the two Urban Renewal Authorities in Rangely, Colorado.  To contact the RDA/RDC please e-mail Lisa Piering, Rangely Town Manager, at or call Town Hall at (970) 675-8476.

For more information regarding the RDA/RDC, please follow this link: