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The Town of Rangely's Gas Department is unique compared to other natural gas companies as it is one of only a few municipalities that operate its own gas company in Colorado. Over the years our community has received benefits that a privately owned gas company may not have been able to provide, especially in customer service and pricing.

The Town can react to market changes more quickly than a company that must seek approval from the Public Utility Commission to adjust rates. Personalized service, quick response to calls, numerous services provided at minimal or no cost, and scheduled main/service replacement at no cost to the homeowner are additional benefits we offer. Generous rebates have been received by many of our customers when conversions from another energy source to natural gas occurred.

The Gas Department's budget also allows for substantial contributions to the WARM Program (assistance goes directly to our customers).

Warm Application

Although we are a small gas distribution operation, we operate under most of the same rules and regulations while performing a similar work load as companies in the private sector. The safety of our community, the reliability of our gas supply, and providing competitive rates are our priority.

Our Goals

  • Educating our community about Energy Saving Tips for winter.
  • Providing safe, reliable gas service to our customers while ensuring the safety of those living and working near our gas facilities and pipelines.
  • Educating and raising awareness of our customers and the public about how they can help in preventing emergencies and how to recognize and respond to natural gas emergencies.
  • Helping excavators understand the steps they can take to prevent damage to our underground pipelines.

The Town of Rangely wants you to be comfortable in your home! We want to help you to be energy efficient so you pay the least amount for the energy required to keep you warm on cold winter days. Conservation measures and weatherization practices can amount to significant savings. Here are some simple tips for keeping the heat inside your home while helping to save money on your gas bill:

  • Turn on the taps: Let the water drip or slowly run in extreme cold. Even if the water does freeze, this will relieve some of the water pressure and possibly avert the pipe from bursting.
  • Open Cabinets or Doors: Leave the cabinets open under your kitchen, bathroom sinks, or other areas with water pipes and poor warm air circulation. If you have pipes in a closet leave the closet door open. This keeps warm air circulating around your pipes. A small heater might be needed is some areas.
  • Wrap the Pipes: If your pipes are in areas that do not get warm air, consider insulating them with insulation sleeves, wrapping with heat tape, or both insulation and heat tape. You can get foam rubber, fiberglass sleeves, or heat tape at your local hardware store, or call a plumber to assist you.
  • Seal the Gaps: Cracks in your homes outside walls or foundation should be caulked to keep cold air away from your pipes.
  • Drain your Pipes: If you're taking a trip in the winter, consider draining your pipes to prevent them from bursting. Shut off the main valve and then turn on all the taps (hot and cold) and let the water run until the pipes are emptied.
  • Locate your Water Shutoff: When pipes freeze they can rupture. Having your water valve located within your home will lessen the likelihood of property damage and expedite repairs.
When to check for a gas leak
  • A gaseous or hydrocarbon odor
  • A blowing or hissing sound.
  • Dust blowing from a hole in the ground.
  • Continuous bubbling in wet or flooded areas.
  • A spot of dead or discolored vegetation in an otherwise green area.
  • Inside Leak - Call the Town of Rangely immediately.
  • If the odor is 'Strong' or 'Audible' evacuate the premises and call from a neighbor's home.
  • Outside Leak - Call the Town of Rangely. Remain clear of the immediate area.
A Reminder

Natural gas is one of the safest and most dependable energy sources available. The use of natural gas is a safe, convenient, economical, and environmentally clean fuel. It is one of the safest fuels available for a wide range of uses including: space and water heating, cooking, clothes drying, space cooling, decorative lighting, industrial processes, and motor vehicles.

The Town of Rangely owns and operates the natural gas facilities. The system consists of about 30 miles of Gas Main and 1100 Services. The area of service covers from 'Twin Arrow' west of town, east to the "Industrial Park," north along County Road 46, and south including CNCC and the city gas station located on County Road 23.

The Gas Department designs, installs, tests, operates, and maintains our natural gas system to meet or exceed regulatory standards. Our Staff of four full-time people regularly patrol and leak survey our system facilities in an effort to eliminate potential safety hazards. Our employees are trained and qualified to safely operate and maintain our gas system. Someone is on call 24 hours a day and can be reached through the Police Department in an emergency. The residents of Rangely are among hundreds of people who live near our pipeline facilities. We have developed brochures to help you identify our pipelines, to prevent possible pipeline safety hazards, and to provide information on recognizing and responding to natural gas emergencies. Natural gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is lighter than air. Because natural gas is lighter than air it will rise if there is a leak. An odor similar to rotten eggs is added to our gas as a safety measure to assist in detecting even the smallest leaks in appliances, house piping, or the distribution system. As part of our on-going public awareness program, information distribution and educational presentations are performed with school children, emergency officials, other departments of the town, and the general public.

Important Contact Information:

Town Hall: 209 E. Main St, Rangely, CO 81648

Gas Shop: (970) 675-8258

514 Prospect Ave, Rangely, CO 81648