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Backflow Prevention and CCCP

Process for conducting surveys:

  • The Town of Rangely began the process by sending out informative brochures to all commercial, industrial, and non-single-family facilities that are to be surveyed. This brochure will outline details on what backflow and cross-connections are. It will provide a variety of different scenarios of cross-connection and backflow events. It will also inform the customer of the upcoming regulations, mandated by the State of Colorado, to control these cross-connections and backflow events.
  • Following the brochure, letters will be sent out to a number of these facilities that are to be surveyed. This letter will inform the customer that they will be contacted by the Town of Rangely cross-connection control technician to have their facility surveyed for cross-connections and backflow issues.
  • Once an appointment has been made, the cross-connection control technician will survey all the facility's water system and document all, if any, cross-connection or backflow issues. Each issue will be designated a degree of hazard of either low or high. This will all be documented on a site-evaluation form created by the Town of Rangely.
  • Note: If the facility has either an air gap or reduced pressure zone backflow prevention assembly to contain the water system after the water meter, a survey is deemed unnecessary.
  • This survey will also be used to seek out pre-existing backflow prevention devices, assemblies, and methods. These will be documented for both the Town of Rangely and the water customer's records.
  • After the survey is completed, the Town of Rangely will inform the customer within three (3) business days, via letter, if a backflow prevention device, assembly, or method is needed. The Town of Rangely will provide rationale as to why each specific backflow preventer was selected. The letter will also give a date which the backflow preventer needs to be installed by, which is 45 days after the survey is completed. The letter will let the customer know that any backflow preventer installed needs to be inspected and tested upon installation and annually thereafter by a certified backflow preventer tester. Any pre-existing backflow preventers will also need to be tested within the 45 days as well.
  • All costs involved will be borne by the property owner.

Legal authority exists to perform a survey of a customer's property to determine whether a cross connection is present unless the supplier controls all non-single-family residential connections to the public water system with the most protective backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method:

  • Town of Rangely Municipal Code 13.04.055.

Process to select a backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method to control a cross connection.

  • The Town of Rangely will determine the degree of hazard based on what the customer is providing water to.
  • With the degree of hazard determined, the Town of Rangely will select a backflow preventer based on the table below:

High Hazard

High Hazard
Back Siphonage

Low Hazard
Back Pressure

Low Hazard
Back Siphonage


Legal authorities to install, maintain, test, and inspect backflow prevention assemblies and/or backflow prevention methods and/or require customers to install, maintain, test, and inspect backflow prevention assemblies and/or backflow prevention methods.

  • Town of Rangely Municipal Code 13.04.055.

Process to track the installation, maintenance, testing, and inspection of all backflow prevention assemblies and backflow prevention methods used to control cross connections.

  • The Town of Rangely will utilize backflow prevention management software, Cross Track 5.2, to track all of the installation, maintenance, testing, and inspection of all backflow prevention assemblies. The Town of Rangely also have a filing system, hard copy and electronic, to maintain all of these records.
  • These records are to include:
  1. Assembly or method type
  2. Assembly or method location
  3. Assembly make, model and serial number
  4. Assembly size
  5. Test date, and
  6. Test result (pass/fail).

The process the supplier will use to ensure backflow prevention assemblies are tested by a Certified Cross-Connection Control Technician.

  • The Town of Rangely will require all testers, who choose to test within its distribution system, to submit the following information to the Town of Rangely:
  1. Certified Cross-Connection Control Technician certification agency
  2. Certification number
  3. Certification expiration date or statement that certification is current
  4. Any tester that cannot provide this information is not considered qualified and no tests completed by them will be recognized by the Town of Rangely.