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Program Ordinance

The State of Colorado has recently mandated, per Section 39 of 5 CCR 1002-11, that each Water District in the State implement a Cross-Connection Control Program (CCCP) on the potable water system in their respective district. This implementation will begin taking place in early 2016 and must be completed by the end of 2020. The Town of Rangely hopes to be fully compliant with this mandate by the end of 2017.

The plan is to begin a survey process as early in 2016 as possible by a Town of Rangely employee. A survey consists of reviewing a facility's water system to determine if there are any cross connections or backflow issues that may potentially pose a threat to the Town of Rangely's potable water system. As of now, ONLY commercial, industrial, and non-single-family residences (multi-family on one water tap) are subject to these surveys. Right after each survey is completed, it will be decided whether or not a backflow prevention assembly or method is required, and what type is necessary.

As for residential customers, no survey is required at this time by the State of Colorado unless there is a known or suspected hazard that may compromise the health and safety of the potable water system. In the Town's newly adopted ordinance, residential facilities are subject to be surveyed. This is to avoid another alteration and adoption of our ordinances when, or if, the State does require that this CCCP implementation extends to residential properties as well. This does NOT mean we will begin surveying residential facilities unless a clear need is apparent.

We hope the citizens and business owners of Rangely understand that the Town of Rangely is only enforcing what is required by the State of Colorado, but we are also staying proactive by preparing for the possibility of future mandates.