Check out the full article here:

Make Plans to Travel Somewhere Small This Year


Local Services

This is a general page for those looking to setup, disconnect, or transfer services.


Town of Rangely

Contact:  Chelsea Stevenson, Utility Billing Clerk

Phone: (970) 675-8476

Gas, Water & Sewer

Request for Services

Discontinue Services

Moon Lake Electric

To Start, Stop, Transfer Service

Address: 1635 E Main St, Rangely, CO 81648

Phone: (970) 675-2291

New Service (apply online)


When transferring power to a new location, a consumer will be required to have all electric bills brought current before a new location will be set up. You should advise Moon Lake three days in advance of when you want the power transferred. There will be a $10 transfer fee for residential transfers. Any consumer who insists on a connection after regular office hours or on weekends will be charged a trip fee of $100 to cover the cost of making the connection trip.


When requesting a disconnection of service, you should advise Moon Lake at least three days in advance of the day you want service disconnected. Moon Lake will disconnect service within four working days of the requested disconnect date. You will not be liable for any services rendered to or at such address or location after the expiration of the four days, unless access to the meter has been delayed by the consumer. Disconnects will only be done during regular office hours.

Rangely Trash Service

To Start, Stop, Transfer Service call (970) 675-2878.

Residential and Household Trash - Includes electronics, excludes: liquids, chemicals, appliances containing refrigerant, batteries, hazardous waste, ammunition, and asbestos.

Rangely Trash Service Transfer Station

1-1/2 miles east of Rangely on Gillam Road. They accept residential and household trash for $10/yard (a level pickup bed full of trash is two yards, or $20). Open Fridays 9 - 12 p.m. and by appointment: (970) 675-2878.  

For additional information, check out their website:  Rangely Trash

They are also on Facebook at Rangely Trash

County Landfill - (970) 675-2878

Accepts household waste for $58/ton or accepts a residential free dump coupon.  Open to the public Wed. - Sat. 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. You may also drop items at the Rangely Trash Service.

Limbs, Leaves, and Vegetation

Take limbs, leaves, and other vegetation to the Town of Rangely Tree Dump on Purdy Road which is located the first left after the Striegel Rock Park. Call (970) 675-8476 during the week to meet a Town employee at the dump site. FREE.

Hazardous Waste and Tires

Safely store these items and watch for hazardous waste and tire drives offered on designated days during the year. Here you can get rid of waste not accepted by the transfer station or landfill.

Appliances with Refrigerant

Rangely True Value: Cost is $25, Please come during open hours and let someone at the front counter know you have an item to dispose of.

Oil, Antifreeze, Batteries, Tires, and Freon

Napa Auto Parts will dispose of your clean oil for free. Rangely Conoco will dispose of oil, antifreeze, batteries, tires, and Freon for a fee.


Cimarron (local ISP) - (970) 778-5177

LAI Local Access Internet (970) 462-2848

CenturyLink (800) 201-4099

Visionary Broadband (800) 201-4099, an authorized HughesNet dealer, offering HughesNet Gen 5 Internet.

Register Vehicle

You can register your vehicle at the Rio Blanco County Clerk's Office.  For Rangely residents, the Clerk's office is located in Town Hall at 209 E. Main Street in Rangely.