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Make Plans to Travel Somewhere Small This Year


Town of Rangely Animal Shelter Volunteer

Shelter Dog with Volunteer


Volunteering at the shelter is a great way to assist with caring for the shelter pets.  You can make a difference!  Volunteers are essential to our shelter operations. In addition to paid staff, we rely on the care, dedication, and support our volunteers provide.  Our shelter welcomes anyone willing to donate their time to assist with the shelter animals. 

Prior to making the commitment, please read the Shelter Volunteer Rules and Conditions here.

If you decide to volunteer, please complete the two forms listed below:

Shelter Volunteer Waiver
Shelter Volunteer Application

Once the forms are completed, please return them to Katelyn Carlson, the Animal Control Officer, via e-mail.  You can also drop them off at the Rangely Police Department.  

Should you have questions regarding the volunteer information, Katelyn can be reached at (970) 675-8466.