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Uniform Codes - 15.04

15.04.010 Adoption

Pursuant to Section 31-16-201 et seq. of the Colorado Revised Statutes, there are adopted by reference (1) International Building Code 2000 of the International Code Council Conference of Building Officials but excluding Appendix Chapter 3 Use or Occupancy, Division III Requirements for Group R, Division 3 Occupancies; Appendix Chapter 10 Building Security; Appendix Chapter 13 Energy Conservation in New Building Construction; Appendix Chapter 16 Structural Design Requirements, Division II Snow Loads, Division III Wind Design, Division IV Earthquake Design; Appendix Chapter 21 Prescriptive Masonry Construction in High Wind Areas; Appendix Chapter 23 Conventional Light Frame Construction in High Wind Areas; and Appendix Chapter 34 Existing Structures, Division I Life-Safety Requirements for Existing Buildings Other than High-Rise Buildings and Division II Life Safety Requirements for Existing High Rise Buildings; (2) 1997 International Plumbing Code of the International Code Council, Inc.; (3) 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code of the International Conference of Building Officials; (4) 1997 International Private Sewage Disposal Code of the International Code Council; (5) 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings of the International Conference of Building Officials, and (6) 1997 Uniform Fire Code of the Uniform Fire Code Institute.

15.04.020 Insertions

Sections of the Uniform Codes are revised as follows:

  1. International Building Code 2000: Section 101.1 Title - Insert “Town of Rangely”; Section 1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas - Insert “Town of Rangely dated September 28,1990”, Section 3409.2 Applicability - Insert “”April 1, 2002”, and Section G 102.2 Permit Applications - Insert “April 1, 2002”.
  2. International Plumbing Code 2000: Section 101.1 Title - Insert “Town of Rangely”; Section 108.4 Violations Penalties - Insert “violation of the Rangely Municipal Code...$300…Ninety (90)”; Section 108.5 Stop Work Orders - Insert “$50”…”$300”; Section 305.6.1 Sewer Depth April 1, 2002”; Section G 102.2 Permit Applications - Insert “48”…”48”; Section 904.1 Roof Extension – Insert “12”; and Chapter 14 CODES - Insert “International Building Code 2000…International Fuel Gas Code 2000…International Mechanical Code 2000“;
  3. International Property Maintenance Code 2000: Section R101.1 Title - Insert “Town of Rangely”; Section 303.14 Insect Screens -Insert “May 1st…November 1st”; Section 602.3 Heat Supply - Insert “September 1st…June 1st”; and Section 602.4 Occupiable Work Spaces – Insert “September 1st…June 1st”;
  4. International Mechanical Code 2000: Section 101.1 Title - Insert “Town of Rangely”; Section 108.4 Violations Penalties - Insert “violation of the Rangely Municipal Code...$300…Ninety (90)”; and Section 108.5 Stop Work Orders - Insert “$50”…”$300”.
  5. International Private Sewage Disposal Code 2000: Section 101.1 Title - Insert “Town of Rangely”; Section 108.4 Violations Penalties - Insert “violation of the Rangely Municipal Code...$300…Ninety (90)”; and Section 108.5 Stop Work Orders - Insert “$50”…”$300”.
  6. International Residential Code 2000; Section 101.1 Title - Insert “Town of Rangely”; and Table R301.2(1) Climate and Geographic Design Criteria - Insert “30…90…B…Severe…42”…Slight to moderate…None to slight…-10…0/28/90”.
  7. International Fuel Gas Code 2000: Section 101.1 Title - Insert “Town of Rangely”; Section 108.4 Violations Penalties - Insert “violation of the Rangely Municipal Code...$300…Ninety (90)”; and Section 108.5 Stop Work Orders - Insert “$50”…”$300”.
15.04.030 Modifications

The following modifications are made to the Uniform Codes referenced herein:

  1. The International Fuel Gas Code 2000 shall be modified as follows:
    1. Subsection 406.1 Test Pressure shall be amended to read as follows: The test pressure to be used shall be no less than 1 ½ times the proposed maximum working pressure but not less than 10 psig irrespective of design pressure.
    2. The following language shall be added to Section 403.1 Material Application: except that no copper or galvanized materials shall be permitted in supply piping up to the valves at each appliance.
    3. The following subsections shall be added to Section 404.14 Plastic Pipe to read as follows: 404.14 Qualifications No Person may install plastic pipe or associated fittings unless that person has been qualified under applicable procedures. A copy of qualifications shall be on file with the gas utility department of the Town prior to any installations. 404.14.5 Inspections. Inspections shall be made by the gas utility department of the Town to verify and record material specifications, pressure tests, and ditch installation equipment.
  2. Provisions of the Uniform Codes referenced herein that refer to uniform electrical codes and the design, construction, and installation of electrical components, equipment, and systems shall not apply. Responsibility in accordance with state statutes for the adoption and enforcement of electrical codes, including issuance of permits and conduct of inspections, rests with the state electrical board.
  3. In the Uniform Codes referenced herein the terms Departments of Building Safety, Plumbing Inspection, Property Maintenance Inspection, Mechanical Inspection, Building Safety, Private Sewage Disposal Inspection, and Inspection shall mean the Office of the Building Inspector or such other office or department as determined by the Town Manager. The terms building official and code official shall mean the building inspector or such other officer as determined by the Town manager.
15.040.40 Certificates of Occupancy
  1. In the event that work covered by a building permit cannot be completed due to seasonal constraints or for other reasons, the building inspector, provided that he finds that the building may be occupied safely, may issue a certificate of occupancy subject to the submittal of a bond or other appropriate form of guarantee necessary to insure completion of such work. In lieu of a bond or guarantee, the building inspector shall cause a contract to be executed between the owner or permittee and the Town describing the work to be completed. The obligations and covenants in said contract shall be binding upon all successors and assigns of said owner or permittee.
  2. All deferred work shall be completed within a period not to exceed six (6) months from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. In the case of a contract as described in subsection A., failure to by the owner or permittee to complete the work shall be deemed a violation of this Code, and the building official may cite the owner or permittee into the municipal court for said violation or violations. The building official shall further have the right to bring causes of action or suit for injunctive relief or specific performance as he may elect.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections A. and B., no certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the building inspector where a building permit has been issued in conjunction with a special review use approval by the planning and zoning commission or the Town council and the owner or developer has not completed site improvements, amenities, and other conditions therefore unless the provisions of Section 19.08.080 Conditions for issuance of certificates of occupancy of Title 19 Zoning have been satisfied.
15.040.50 Mobile Homes and Manufactured Homes—Installations

The installation of any manufactured home shall be in accordance with minimum standards adopted and promulgated by the State Division of Housing. Manufactured homes shall be HUD certified mobile homes and UBC certified preconstructed building units or combination of preconstructed units, without motive power, where such units are manufactured in a factory or at a location other than the residential site of the completed home and are designed and commonly used for occupancy by persons for residential purposes. Non-permanent installations shall be permitted only in mobile home parks. Permanent installations shall be required in all other locations, including mobile home subdivisions. Such installations shall be accordance with manufacturers’ installation instructions. If said instructions are not available, the following standards shall apply: Non-Permanent Installations - NCSBCS/ANSI A225.1-1994 Manufactured Home Installation, as amended; and Permanent Foundation Installations - Permanent Foundations, Guide for Manufactured Housing, September 1996, as amended. If manufacturers’ installation instructions are not available and/or the standards referenced herein are not applicable, the owner of the manufactured home shall provide an engineered foundation system provided by a qualified professional engineer and acceptable to the building inspector. The soil bearing capacity within the Town is established at one thousand (1,000) pounds per square inch, and the foundation installations, whether temporary or permanent, shall be designed to meet that standard unless the owner can provide an analysis prepared by a qualified professional engineer an acceptable to the building inspector establishing a different standard.

15.04.060 Fire Lanes and Access Roads

Where the fire chief of the Rangely Fire District determines that reasonable access for fire department apparatus has not been provided or has been eliminated or jeopardized because of occupancy, use, lack of fire protection systems, or other actions or conditions, he shall submit recommendations for the provision of access roads and designation of fire lanes to the Town manager. Upon the implementation of any or all such recommendations, the Town shall provide and maintain no-parking signs, notices, and/or other appropriate directions. Responsibility for enforcement shall rest with the Town manager.

15.04.070 Permit Fees
  1. The schedule of fees for the issuance of all permits called for by the Uniform Codes referenced herein shall be as follows: Value of Work (materials and labor)
    1. For $1 to $2,000 a fee of $15 plus $11 for each $1,000 or fraction of value of the work.
    2. For $2,001 to $25,000 a fee of $37 plus $10 for each $1,000 or fraction of the value of the work between $2,001 and $25,000.
    3. For $25,001 to $50,000 a fee of $267 plus $9 for each $1,000 or fraction of the value of the work between $25,001 and $50,000.
    4. For $50,001 to $200,000 a fee of $492 plus $8 for each $1,000 or fraction of the value of the work between $50,001 and $200,000.
    5. For $200,001 to $500,000 a fee of $1,692 plus $7 for each $1,000 or fraction of the value of the work between $200,001 and $500,000.
    6. For $500,001 to $1,000,000 a fee of $3,792 plus $6 for each $1,000 or fraction of the value of the work between $500,001 and $1,000,000
    7. For $1,000,001 and over a fee of $6,792 plus $5 for each $1,000 or fraction of the value of the work over $1,000,001.
  2. The provisions of Section 108 Fees of the International Building Code 2000 shall apply in all other Uniform Codes referenced herein where said Codes call for the issuance of permits and payments of fees. In addition to the payment of fees, the applicant or holder of a permit shall be required to pay any plan review costs to the extent of direct costs of professional or consulting services incurred by the Town.
  3. Fees for permits shall not be charged to any public agency, district, or unit of government. However, any plan review cost incurred by the Town shall be reimbursed to the Town.
15.040.80 Board of Appeals
  1. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building inspector relative to the application and interpretation of the Uniform Codes referenced herein, there shall be and is created a board of appeals consisting of five (5) members who are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, and private sewage disposal installations and construction and are not employees of the Town. There shall be five (5) members appointed by the Town council and for overlapping terms of four (4) years. Said appointments shall be made no later than thirty (30) days from the date of oath or affirmation by the members of the Town council following each biennial town election.
  2. An application for appeal shall be based on acclaim that the true intent of said codes or the rules legally adopted there under have been incorrectly interpreted , the provisions of said codes do not fully apply, and an equally good or better form of construction or installation is proposed. The board shall have no authority to waive any provision of said codes. However, it may approve modifications to such provisions if there are practical difficulties in carrying out said provisions conditioned on a finding by the board that special individual reasons makes the strict letter of the said codes impractical and the modification is in compliance with the intent and purpose of said codes and that said modification does not lessen public health, accessibility, life and fire safety, or structural requirements. The board shall adopt rules of procedures for conducting its business. The building inspector shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the board.